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UK Has Biggest Skills Gap Amongst Young People

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UK Has Biggest Skills Gap Amongst Young People

The UK is reported to have the widest skills gap between young people not in education, employment and training (NEETs), and their employed counterparts, in a recent 22-country survey carried out by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Overall, (based on data from 2012) the literacy gap in the UK was at 12.6%, which is almost twice the reported average of 6.5%. The next lowest was Norway, with an 11.2% gap, and from the same data, Japan had the smallest gap of just 0.3%.

It found that a huge portion of 16-29 year olds are leaving education without the necessary literacy or problem-solving skills required to enter employment. This means many will struggle when it comes time to move from school into work, and can easily drop off the radar, whilst their more educated peers overtake them in terms of job and education opportunities.

The survey also noted that the skills gap may not be the only reason the NEETs will face difficulties when looking for employment. The OECD also that many of these young people were not actually looking for work and had disengaged with education and the labour market.

The government published figures last week that showed one in eight young people are now classed as NEET.

Getting these young people to integrate with a job market they feel completely disassociated from, can be difficult, especially when they lack the skills to enter traditional further education routes that might help them.


However, with the recent focus on increasing the availability of apprenticeships, all is not lost. An apprenticeship can help young people get their foot in the door.

Here at Health and Safety Training Ltd, we’re responding to this requirement with apprenticeships that not only ‘front-load’ apprentices with the knowledge to underpin their learning, but also provide an education in key skills, such as maths and English.

Following this, the apprentices will embark on a work placement, giving them a whole new set of skills and the invaluable experience of a working routine, all under the guidance of an instructor who will visit them regularly to reinforce, monitor and assess their training.

For many young people classed as NEETs, this will be their first real taste of work and so it is essential it’s a positive one. Classroom learning isn’t suited to everyone, but giving these young people the opportunity to learn ‘on the job’, alongside experienced employees, whilst earning a wage, can instill a work ethos in them that they carry throughout their career.

If you operate a construction business in the North-East, and are interested in the benefits that come with hiring an apprentice, simply get in touch with the team at Health and Safety Training Ltd for advice and assistance.

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